Yerkesh Kaliyevich Nurpeisov
The first rector of KAZGUU
Yerkesh Kaliyevich Nurpeisov - (1994-1996) Honorary First Rector of KAZGUU, PhD in Law, Associate Professor and Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was elected as MP of the Regional Council, was a corresponding member, President of the Association of Lawyers of Kazakhstan, a member of the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Council for State Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Supreme Judicial Council.

In 1994, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, Yerkesh Kaliyevich was appointed as Rector of the newly established Kazakh State Law Institute (Almaty)

Over the years, Yerkesh Nurpeisov was elected as MP of the Regional Council, was a corresponding member, President of the Association of Lawyers of Kazakhstan, a member of the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Council for State Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Supreme Judicial Council.

Yerkesh Nurpeisov is the author of a number of scientific, literary publications, monographs and more than 50 scientific and popular articles.

Narikbayev Maqsut Sultanovich
Narikbayev Maksut Sultanovich – (2000 -2007), (2012 -2013) Honorary Rector of KAZGUU University, Kazakh Statesman, Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan (1995-1996), was a Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council (2003-2006), Member of the Supreme Judicial Council of Kazakhstan, State Counselor of Justice of the 2nd class, Judge of the highest qualification class, Doctor of Law, Professor.
Being a well-known public and political figure, he took an active part in the legal development and strengthening of the statehood of independent Kazakhstan.
He worked as a member of the permanent working group on improving legislation on law enforcement under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was the Head of the Working Groups when drafting 'Law on the Prosecutor's Office' and 'On Courts and the Structure of Judges' (1994-95).

He was a member of the Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating corruption and the observance of service ethics by civil servants (2002), the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan (in the second half of the 1990s, 2002-09, while in 2003-06 - Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan), was a member of the Commission on Human Rights under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2003-2011), was a member of the Council on Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2003), the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (since 2010), Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber at the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2001, he created the public association 'Republican Civil Movement 'For Legal Kazakhstan', and in April 2004, at the Constitutive Congress of the Democratic Party of Kazakhstan (PDK), organized on his initiative, he was elected as its Chairman. He was one of the most active participants in the meetings of the Inter-Party Council on the problems of finding optimal solutions to overcome the consequences of the global financial crisis in Kazakhstan.
Since April 2012 – Honorary Chairman (Leader) of the 'Adilet' party.
Research Adviser of six Doctors of Law and Thesis Supervisor of seven PhD theses in legal sciences.
Member of the Thesis Board for the defense of PhD theses at KAZGUU.

Shaikenov Nagashbay Amangaliyevich
Shaikenov Nagashbay Amangaliyevich - (1998-2000) Honorary Rector of KAZGUU University, Kazakh Legal Scientist and Politician, Doctor of Law, Professor.

N.A. Shaikenov was a great scientist and an outstanding professor. He made a significant contribution to the development of conceptual problems of legal science: the essence of law, law and interests in society, the formation of a legal society, legal coverage for market transformations. He took an active part in the drafting of a number of important legislative acts. As the Minister of Justice, he fought hard for Legal reform, revived the Ministry of Justice, reviewed its functions and tasks, as a result of which the Ministry of Justice took a dominant position in the system of law enforcement agencies. He was one of the main developers of the State program of Legal reform approved by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1994). Under the legal reform program, he undertook a set of measures aimed at increasing the role of law in society, creating the necessary legislative and law enforcement framework for the ongoing reforms.

At his initiative, one of the priority areas of the Legal reform was the training of legal personnel. The opening of a specialized higher legal institution became possible by virtue of the direct participation of N.A. Shaikenov.

More than 30 works have been published, including 1 monograph, 2 works have been published abroad. The fundamental work 'Legal coverage of the interests of personality', published in 1990 in Sverdlovsk, has become the synthesis of the long-term theoretical research by N.A. Shaikenov.
Sergey Fedorovich Udartsev
Sergey Fedorovich Udartsev, rector of KazGUU in 2007-2009. – Honorary Rector of M.Narikbayev KAZGUU University, prominent Kazakhstani legal scholar and public figure, Doctor of Law, professor, editor-in-chief of the 'Law and State' journal (2013-2022), Honorary Lawyer of Kazakhstan. Director of the Research Institute of Legal Policy, Constitutional Legislation and Public Administration. Judge of the first Constitutional Court of Kazakhstan (1992-1995), initially appointed judge of the re-established Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since January 2023), member of the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Over the years, he worked as Chairman of the Expert Council on Legal Sciences of the Higher Attestation Committee of Kazakhstan, the Expert Council of the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Accreditation Council of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, as well as a member of Research Advisory Councils under the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Supreme Court of the RK, Qualification Committee of the Supreme Judicial Council, National Research Board for Social and Human Sciences, Scientific Advisory Board of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Member of the editorial boards and editorial councils of many Kazakh and foreign scientific journals. Author of more than 750 scientific, popular science, and methodological published works on the history of legal and political doctrines, philosophy of law, theory of state and law, constitutional law, civil law, history of state and law of Kazakhstan, history of legal science and legal education of Kazakhstan. About 140 academic papers have been published outside of Kazakhstan.
Kogamov Marat Shekishuly
Record of Accomplishments of Kogamov M.Sh., Doctor of Law, Professor
1. Kogamov Marat Shekishuly, born on January 01, 1959, Aksu village, Aksu district, Zhetysu region (Taldykorgan region).
2. In 1980 he graduated with honors from the Karaganda Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, area of specialization - Criminal and Forensic Investigation, a holder of a scholarship named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky.
3. In 1983, he graduated ahead of schedule with the defense of his Thesis Paper for the degree of PhD in Law from the postgraduate military course of the Kyiv Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky (full-time).
4. In 1982 (at the age of 23) he defended his Thesis Paper for the degree of PhD in Law at the Kyiv State University named after T.G. Shevchenko, Kyiv, topic: 'Legal and Organizational Issues to Prevent Crimes during Preliminary Investigation (based on the materials of the investigative branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kazakh SSR)', Academic Advisor – Suslo D.S., Doctor of Law, Professor, opponents – Livshits Yu.D., Doctor of Law, Professor, Korotkiy N.N., PhD in Law; the leading organization is the Kharkiv Law Institute named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky.
5. In 1997, he defended his Thesis Paper for the degree of Doctor of Law at the Kyiv State University named after T.G. Shevchenko, Kyiv, topic: 'Relevant Problems of Improving the Crime Investigation in the Republic of Kazakhstan', Research Adviser: Mikheyenko M.M., Doctor of Law, Professor, official opponents – Bakhin V.P., Doctor of Law, Professor; Zelenetsky V.S., Doctor of Law, Professor; Lukashevich V.G., Doctor of Law, Professor; the leading organization is Lviv State University named after Ivan Franko, Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
6. Candidate of Legal Sciences, 1982; Doctor of Law, 1997, nostrification of the PhD degree in Kazakhstan - 1999.
7. Academic Honor - Associate Professor, 2000; Academic Honor - Professor, 2000.
8. Main places of study, work (years):
1966-1976 - student of secondary school No. 51, Ushtobe, Karatal district, Taldykurgan region.
School years (summer) - work in rice fields, at a meat processing plant, in a procurement agency, at yurta factory (Taldy-Kurgan region, Karatal district, Ushtobe).
1976-1980 – study at the Karaganda Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.
1980-1983 – Postgraduate of the Kyiv Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky.
1983-1985 – Senior Lecturer, Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of the Karaganda Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.
1985-1988 – Lead Investigator, Head of the Department for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property and Speculation of the Karatal District Department of Internal Affairs, Executive Committee of Taldy-Kurgan region.
1988-1991 – Investigator of the Department for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property and Speculation of the Taldy-Kurgan Executive Committee, Investigator for particularly important cases of the Department of Internal Affairs for CTSPS of the Taldy-Kurgan region.
1991-1992 – Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property and Speculation of the Taldy-Kurgan region.
1992-1994 – Lead Investigator for Particularly Important Сases, Anti-corruption Group, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Taldy-Kurgan region.
1994-1995 – Executive Officer of the Department of Internal Affairs, Taldy-Kurgan region.
1995-1996 – Deputy Head of the Department of Legal Support and External Relations - Head of the Department of Legal Support - Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Deputy Executive Officer - Head of the Department of Legal Support and External Relations - Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1996-1997 - Advisor to the Chairman of the State Investigation Committee the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Organizational and Inspection Department of the Organizational and HR Department of SIC;
Deputy Head of the SIC Department of RK (Akmola).
1997-1999 – Chief Inspector for Particularly Important Cases of the Secretariat;
Deputy Director - Head of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Tax Police Department, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Interim Deputy Chairman of the Investigation Committee of the Tax Police of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Chief Inspector for Particularly Important Cases of the Public Relations Center – Head of the Advisory Group of the Chairman of the Tax Police Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1999-2001 – First Head of the Academy of Tax Police of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Deputy Chairman of the Tax Police Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2001-2003 - Head of the Financial Police Academy of the Financial Police Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2003-2004 - First Vice-Rector of the Kazakh Humanitarian-Law University.
2004-2007 - Head of the Financial Police Academy of the Financial Police Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2007 (March – September) – Chief Inspector of the Secretariat of the Security Council of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2007-2009 - Chief Researcher at the Institute of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice;
Expert of the Institute of the Prosecutor General's Office named after S. Yeskarayev.
2009-2012 - Rector of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University.
2012 - 2017 - Director of the Research Institute of Criminal Procedure Research and Anti-Corruption at KAZGUU University,
Since April 17, 2014 at the same time - Director of the Institute of Scientific Investigation and Analysis of KAZGUU University,
as well as the Head of Research Projects on Criminal Justice and Scientific Legal Expertise at the Professor's Office of M.Narikbayev KAZGUU University
2017 - present - Head of Research Projects on Criminal Justice and Scientific Legal Expertise at the Professor's Office of M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University (Professors' Office).
At the same time, he was Director of the Institute of Scientific Investigation and Analysis of the University.
Chancellor of M.Narikbayev KAZGUU University
9. Member of the Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on HR Policy in Law Enforcement Agencies (2016-2022).
Chairman of the Public Council on the Activities of the Departments of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2014 - March 2022).
Chairman of the Council for the PhD Thesis Defense of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov.
Expert and Member of various Academic Advisory Councils under the central state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Expert of a number of leading international and national non-governmental organizations on Human Rights.
He developed and wrote a large number of academic legal opinions on issues of lawmaking, law in force and law enforcement in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
From 2002 to 2007, he was a Member of the Council for Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Decree of the President No. 303 as of 19.02.2002 'On the establishment of the Council for Legal Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan').
From 1999 to 2015, he was a Member of the Academic Advisory Council at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
10. Co-author of the draft Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1997; Expert, Advisor, Co-author of the draft of the new edition of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2014.
11. Over the years, he was the Chairman of the Council for Thesis Defense for the degree of Candidate, Doctor of Law, PhD of KAZGUU University (MNU), a member of the doctoral councils of law enforcement universities of the country, an expert of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, repeatedly acted as an official opponent (reviewer) at thesis defense, etc.
Currently, he is the Chairman of the Council for Thesis Defense for the PhD academic degree of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov.
12. Academic Specializations: Criminal Procedure, Criminal Procedure Law, Intelligence-Gathering Activities, Prosecutor's Supervision, Criminal Justice, Lawyer Activity, Human Rights Protection, other branches of Law related to Criminal Justice, etc.
13. Research Adviser (thesis papers for the degree of Doctor of Law – 3):
1) Mukashev G.M. 'Methodological and Criminological Issues of Ensuring the Security of Society (preventive legal, moral and value aspects)', 2005;
2) Buleuliyev B.T. 'Trial by Jury: Becoming and Development Prospects in the Republic of Kazakhstan', 2010;
3) Taimerdenov M. 'Judicial Actions in the Main Proceeding: Criminal Procedure and Criminalistic Aspects', 2010.
Academic Advisor (thesis papers for the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences – 16):
Saburov D.K. 'Features of Investigation in the Military Police of the Republic of Kazakhstan', 2001;
Yeralina L.A. 'Investigative Jurisdiction of Сriminal Сases: History and Modernity', 2002;
Alimagambetov E.Zh. 'Criminal Prosecution against Foreign Citizens', 2002;
Abdullayev S.Zh. 'Forensic Examination in Crime Investigation: Logical, Conceptual and Organizational Issues', 2003;
Kushtarova G.A. 'Inquiry in the Customs Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Procedural and Legal Issues', 2004;
Kerimova K.K. 'The Return of Criminal Cases by the Court for Additional Investigation: History and Modernity', 2005;
Khan V.V. 'The Anglo-Saxon Model of Pre-Trial Proceedings in Criminal Cases (on the example of modern legislation in England and the USA)', 2007;
Buleuliyev B.T. 'Organizational and Legal Foundations for Jury Trial in the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Modernity', 2007;
Temiraliyev T.S. 'The Procedural Status of the Investigator: History, Modernity and Prospects for Development', 2007;
Turniyazov E.E. 'Legal and Organizational Framework for Pre-investigation Review on Economic Crimes', 2008;
Asatov M.Sh. 'Issues of Investigating Crimes related to Monopolistic Actions and Restriction of Competition', 2008;
Nigmatulin A.Yu. 'Investigation Methods for Money Laundering or Other Property Acquired Illegally: Issues of Intelligence-Gathering Assurance', 2008;
Omrali A.O. 'Development Problems of the Social Control Function of the Judicial Power in the Republic of Kazakhstan', 2009;
Yensebayeva A.R. 'The Main Stages of Criminal Proceedings Development in Juvenile Cases', 2010;
Koshekova S.M. 'Features of Investigating Intentional Homicide Disguised as the Victim's Disappearance', 2010.
Academic Advisor (thesis papers for PhD – 1 degree):
1) Bektibayeva O.S. 'Situations of Protection in Criminal Cases and Approaches to Resolve Them', 2014.
15. The total number of published academic papers at the present time is about 400.
16. Principal directions and topics of academic works –
- The Constitution is like the Koran or the Bible for a believer, as well as the law of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- drafting the doctrine and practice of constitutional legitimacy;
- interpretation of the law;
- constitutional frameworks for criminal procedure, justice and pre-trial investigation on criminal cases;
- Fundamental, Urgent Issues of Preliminary Investigation, Intelligence-Gathering Activities, Prosecutor's Supervision, Lawyer and Judicial Activities in Criminal Proceedings;
- tactics of procedural and investigative actions;
- methods of prosecution and investigation of certain types of crimes, including tortures, contract murders, economic and corruption crimes;
- Preventive Activities of the Investigator, Prosecutor and Criminal Court;
- methods of detecting and countering corruption;
- improvement of scientific legal, anti-corruption expertise of draft legal acts;
- a cycle of scientific and other research and works on electoral law of Kazakhstan, jury trials, prevention of torture, combating corruption, human trafficking, death penalty, life imprisonment, gender policy, Public Council on the Activities of Internal Affairs Bodies, private detective work, etc.
17. The main ideas and concepts developed and put forward in published studies:
1) On the need to consolidate the concept of 'Constitution' (currently absent) in the constitutional or sectoral law of the country;
2) On the preservation of the ideology of unification (comparable with SIC) of the efforts of investigative and intelligence-gathering mechanisms in the integrated organizational structures of the country's prosecuting agencies;
3) On the continuity in the preventive activities of the Investigator, Prosecutor and the Criminal Court;
4) On the abolition of the stage of pre-investigation verification of the grounds for initiating a criminal case, the institute of negative materials and the stage of initiating a criminal case;
5) On the establishment of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies based on the Financial Police Academy;
6) On reducing the grounds for control and supervision interference in the work of a criminal investigator and the need to adopt the Law 'On the status of an investigator';
7) On the impact of judicial activity on improving the efficiency of pre-trial criminal proceedings;
8) On strengthening special procedural forms of legal proceedings in the CPC of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the exclusion of inadmissible evidence from the criminal case, investigation and consideration of criminal cases on the facts of torture, investigation and consideration of cases of organized crime, investigation and consideration of cases against corruption, investigation and consideration of cases of crimes committed by female persons, mediation, etc.;
9) About the Institute of Public Services as a factor in combating corruption;
10) The concept of national investigative activity in criminal proceedings (the opinion of a practitioner and a scientist) // Legal Newspaper. 2006. July 18. No. 131 (1111); Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2006. No. 3. p. 71-75; Legal practice. Moscow: Lawyer, 2007. No. 7. p. 38-41;
11) The Сoncept of Further Development of Judicial Activity in Criminal Proceedings (draft guidelines) // Legal Newspaper. 2006. August 04. No. 143 (1123); see also Modernization of the Public Administration System in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Main Priorities and Implementation Mechanisms: Materials of the International Research-to-Practice Conference. Astana: Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2006; p. 140-148; see also Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2006. No. 4. p.72-78;
12) The Concept of Further Development of Criminal Proceedings in the Republic of Kazakhstan (guidelines) // Conceptual Problems of the Legislative System Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Trends and Prospects: Collection of materials of the International Research-to-Practice Conference, April 12, 2007 Astana: Institute of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2007. p. 296-310;
13) The Concept of Improving Criminal Procedure Legislation (presentation, shorthand notes of proceedings) // Conceptual Problems of the Legislative System Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Trends and Prospects: Collection of materials of the International Research-to-Practice Conference, April 12, 2007 Astana: Institute of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2007. P.311-315;
14) The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not have the right to interpret laws that it adopts;
15) On the content of the constitutional function of criminal prosecution and the new mission of the Prosecutor's Office in criminal proceedings;
16) On the regulation in the CPC of a special detailed criminal procedure form of the human rights function of lawyers in criminal proceedings
17) The Constitutional Court as the new 'Bodyguard' of the State's Constitution.
18. Main Books (without co-authors, in co-authorship):
- Kogamov M.Ch. A Brief Theoretical/Practical Commentary on the Chapters of the New Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1997. Almaty: Ayan Adet, 1998. – p.88;
- Kogamov M.Ch. Review to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1997. Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2008. – p.896;
- Kogamov M.Ch. Review to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014. General and Special parts (extracts) / Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2015. p.352;
- Kogamov M.Ch. Review to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (article-by–article, within the norms of the CPC as amended by the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31 and November 24, 2015) / Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2015. - p.192;
- Kogamov M.Ch. Review to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014 / Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2015. In 2 volumes. Volume 1 – p.648; Volume 2 – p.944 (First edition);
- Kogamov M.Ch. Review to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014 / Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2018. In 2 volumes. Volume 1 – p.736; Volume 2 – p.1000 (Second Edition);
- Kogamov M.Ch. Review to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014 / Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2020. In 2 volumes. Volume 1 – p.752; Volume 2 – p.1016 (Third Edition);
- Kogamov M.Ch. Academic Corruption in Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Corruption Schemes and Methods of Counteraction: Teaching practical manual. Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2016. – p.56 (co-author);
- Kogamov M.Ch. The ABC of Lawmaking: Textbook. Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2015. – p.88 (co-author);
- Kogamov M.Ch. What is Criminal Procedure Law and Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Textbook. Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 2013. – p.44;
- Kogamov M.Ch. Criminal Procedure Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Progress of the Criminal Case: Textbook / Edited by M.Ch.Kogamov, Doctor of Law, Professor, and A.A.Kasimov, PhD in Law, Associate Professor / A team of Authors. Almaty, Zheti Zhargy, 2013 (co-author). – p.1016;
- Kogamov M.Ch. Fundamentals of the Approaches to Interviewing Citizens in Intelligence-Gathering and Criminal Procedure Activities under the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Teaching Practical Manual. Astana, 2005 (co-author);
- Kogamov M.Ch. Preliminary Inquiry in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Kazakh SSR: Textbook. Karaganda: Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1990 (co-author);
- Kogamov M.Ch. Criminal Proceedings of the Kazakh SSR. Special Part. Progress of the Criminal Case: Textbook. Alma-Ata: Ana Tili, 1991 (co-author);
- Kogamov M.Ch. State Investigation Committee: versions, experience, problems, solutions: Monograph. Almaty: Zheti Zhargy, 1997 (2nd ed. - 2005);
- Kogamov M.Ch. Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Cases in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Monograph. Almaty: Ayan Adet, 1998 (2nd ed. – in 2005);
- Kogamov M.Ch. Methodology of Contract Murders Investigation: Textbook. Almaty: Orkeniyet, 1999 (co-author);
- Kogamov M.Ch. Examination-in-Chief: Monograph, Almaty: Orkeniyet, 1999 (co-author) (2nd ed. – 2004);
- Kogamov M.Ch. Preventive Activity of the Investigator and its Effectiveness: Textbook. Karaganda: Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1986, and many others.
In addition, there were constant and consistent publications of articles in collections of academic papers, academic journals, as well as socio-political articles in central socio-political magazines and newspapers, appearances on the country's leading TV channels and in other media on topical issues of the legal system of society and the state.
Member of Editorial Councils and Editorial Boards of Journals: 'Law and State' of KAZGUU University, 'Zanger' of the Union of Judges of the Supreme Court, 'Child and Law', etc.
19. The most significant articles for science, sections in books published in Kazakh and foreign publications:
1) Prevention of Crimes in Terminated Criminal Cases // Bulletin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kazakh SSR. 1981. No. 82. P.15-18;
2) Preventive Activities of the Crime Investigator related to the Behavior of the Victim and Persons Suffering from Mental Illness // Methodological, Organizational and Legal Issues for Improving the Activities of Internal Affairs Bodies. Kyiv: Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1984. p.76-85;
3) The Status of Members of Parliament and Issues of the Criminal Process // Legal Newspaper. 1995. July 8;
4) On Possible Ways to Reform the Activities of the Preliminary Investigation Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Legal Newspaper, 1995. July 21;
5) The Investigator Should Not Be 'Cinderella' // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 2000, July 13;
6) IGA: the Legal Fundamentals for Prosecutor's Supervision and the Need to Combat Crimes // Law and Time. 2002. № 3. p.93-98;
7) Training of Legal Personnel in Non-civil Universities // Reforming Legal Education: Reality, Problems and Prospects: Materials of the Research-to-Practice Conference. Astana, 2003. P.13-15;
8) Relevant Issues of Criminal Proceedings in Kazakhstan: on the Trial Jury and the Authorization of Detention by Court, Issues of Initiation, Additional Investigation, Termination of a Criminal Case for Non-Rehabilitative Reasons // Reports and Messages at the Inauguration Conference of the International Association for the Promotion of Justice 'Schools and Concepts of Criminal Procedure Science'. St. Petersburg, 2005. p. 42-53;
9) Trial Jury: Ultimate Solution // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. 2005. № 299-300;
10) Legal Monitoring of Legislation on Emergency Situations and Law Enforcement Agencies // Legal Monitoring as a means of Improving the Legislation Quality: Collection of materials of the International Research-to-Practice Conference, October 30, 2007. Astana: Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2007. p. 56-58;
11) Reforming Law Enforcement Agencies and Criminal Justice (Fragmentary Analysis of Retrospective View and Prospects of Development in the period from 1991 to 2008) // Bulletin of the Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2009. No. 1. p. 64-73; No. 2. p.78-88;
12) The Process of Law-Making: Efficiency and Legal Culture // News-Bulletin of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2009. No. 3. p. 55-58;
13) On the Issue of the New Law Enforcement System of Kazakhstan // Man and Law (newspaper). 2010. March 31;
14) Knights of the Cloak and Dagger: History and Purpose of the Draft Law 'On Foreign Intelligence Bodies' // Man and Law (newspaper). 2010. May 4;
15) Interrelation of Gender and Criminal Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan //Materials of the International RPC 'Gender Policy in Kazakhstan: Government and Society', Semey, Kazakh Humanities and Law Innovation University, 2010. p.20-23;
16) About 'Women's' Standards in 'Criminal' Law // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. 2010. June 30;
17) Constitution is the Law of the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Constitution is the Foundation of State's Democratic Development: Materials of the International Research-to-Practice Conference, August 27-28, 2010. Astana: Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, L.N.Gumilyov ENU. p. 256-257;
18) Criminal Liability of Legal Entities: Issues of Criminal Procedure Regulation for Preliminary Investigation in Cases of this Category // 20 Years to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Achievements and Growth Prospects: Materials of the International Research-to-Practice Conference. Karaganda: Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov, 2011. Vol. 1. p. 66-67;
19) Improving the Criminal Procedure Capacity of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Context of the Criminal Procedure Principles // Independence of Court and Judge in Doing Justice: Issues of Law Enforcement Practice and Prospects of Legislative Regulation: Collection of Conference Materials. Astana: Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2011;
20) The Correlation of the Court's Powers to Resolve a Criminal Case on the merits with the Ideology of the Principle of Adversarial Proceedings and Equality of Arms // Modernization of Judicial and Law Enforcement Systems in the wake of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Materials of the Research-to-Practice Conference, April 13, 2012. Astana, 2012. p.49-52;
21) Constitutional Framework for Anti-Corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan // The New Policy of the Nation: State and Society in Combating Corruption: Collection of Materials of the International Research-to-Practice Conference. Astana, 2013 (Republican Public Council for Combating Corruption). p. 56-59;
22) Modernization of the Law Enforcement System in Kazakhstan: History and Modernity, Realities and Prospects // Modernization of Law Enforcement Agencies in Kazakhstan: Key Issues and Solutions: Collection of Materials of the International Research-to-Practice Conference. Astana: KazGUU, 2013. p. 24-27;
23) The relationship between the preliminary investigation and the judicial stages: what prosecutor's supervision should be aimed at in the pre-litigation stage of criminal proceedings // Challenges and proposals for improving the supervision of the legitimacy of the pre-litigation stage of criminal proceedings: Materials of the alignment meeting. Astana: Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013. p. 10-13;
24) Constitutional Framework for Criminal Proceedings in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Constitution is the Foundation of the Development Strategy of Society and State: Collection of Materials of the International Research-to-Practice Conference, August 29-30, 2013. Astana: 'Ideal – IS 2009', 2013. p. 232-233;
25) Prosecution, Defense, Justice in the Context of the New CPC // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. 2014. July 15;
26) Constitutional Council: Drafting the Doctrine and Practice of Constitutional Legitimacy // Constitutional Control in Kazakhstan: the Doctrine and Practice of Constitutionalism Approval: Collection Monograph. Almaty: Raritet, 2015. p. 51-55;
27) Procedural Independence of the Investigator: Limits of Control and Supervision Interference // On Guard (Republican legal, socio-political newspaper, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2016. March 30;
28) Law-Making for the sake of Law-Making is the Way to Nowhere // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. 2017. January 17;
29) Interpreting the Law: Legal Regulation and Ways to Improve Legal Practice // Zanger, 2020, No. 7. p. 12-13;
30) Tree-Tier Model of Building a Criminal Process // Zanger, 2021, No. 5, p. 25-2;
31). Urgent Issues of Criminal Justice in line with the Messages of the Head of State//Zanger, 2021, No. 10. p. 20-32;
32. Judges' Partiality is a Legacy of the Past // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. 2023. January 17;
32. Criminal Justice: Overcoming Stereotypes // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 2023, February 22, etc.
20. Published Bibliographies of Works, Books and Articles about the Scientific Works of M.Ch. Kogamov:
1) Abdirov N.M., Borchashvili I.Sh. A lawyer born for society // Law and State. 2014. № 1 (62). p.93-101;
2) Review of the work of M.Ch. Kogamov 'Review to the CPC of the Republic of Kazakhstan' // Law and Life (International Academic Legal Journal), Kishinev. 2010. № 5. p. 36-38;
3) Bakhin V., Karpov N. Review to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (review) // Law of Ukraine. 2010. № 3. p. 305-308;
4) Abdumazhidov G. A significant contribution to the development of criminal procedure science (Toshkent davlat yuridik instituti) // Akhborotnomasi. 2009. № 1. p. 121-122;
5) Schedin G. The Code has become a handbook // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. 2008. November 18;
6) Ginzburg A.Ya. Review to the CPC of the Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the fundamental sources of strengthening the rule of law in the field of criminal procedure in Kazakhstan // Zanger. 2008. № 9. p. 136-138;
7) Aubakirov A., Shakirov K. 'Methodology of Contract Murders Investigation' // Zan zhane zaman - Law and time. 2000. № 3. p. 125-126;
8) Zinkevich I.B. On the reform of crime investigative bodies // Zan zhane zaman - Law and Time. 1999. № 1. p. 111-112
9) Smirnov S. The ABC of the Chief Jury // Legal Newspaper. 1997. September 10 and others.
21. Awards:
Orders -
knight of the 'Kurmet' Order.
Medals departmental and jubilee -
- 'For Impeccable Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs' of 3rd and 2nd Degrees;
- '10 Years to the Constitution' (President of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
- '15 Years to the Financial Police' (FPA of the RK);
- 'For Merits in Enhancing Economic Security' (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation);
- '10 years to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan' (Ministry of Defense of the RK);
- 'For Allegiance to the Flag' (FSS of the RF);
-'20 years to the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan';
- '30 years to the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan';
-'For Contribution to Law Enforcement' (APC of the RK, twice);
- '20 Years to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan' (President of the RK);
- '30 Years to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan' (President of the RK;
- 'For Contribution to the Strengthening of Constitutional Law' (Constitutional Council of the RK);
- '20 Years to the Constitution' (President of the RK);
- 'For Merits in the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (MES RK)';
- '30 Years to the Independent Statehood of Kazakhstan' (President of the RK);
- '30 years to the Judicial System of Kazakhstan (Supreme Court of the RK);
- 'For Contribution to the Development of the Judicial Authorities System' (Ministry of Justice of the RK);
- 'For Contribution to Ensuring Economic Security' (Financial Monitoring Agency of the RK)
- 1st degree medal 'For Impeccable Service' (General Prosecutor's Office of the RK);
- 'For Contribution to the Development of the Electoral Authorities System' (Central Electoral Commission of the RK)
- etc. (33 medals).
- 'Barys' of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- 'Honorary Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs';
- 'Honored Employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan';
- 'For Excellent Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs';
- 'For Excellent Service in the State Investigation Committee';
- 'Honorary Lawyer of the Republic of Kazakhstan' (Law Society of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
- 'Zheti Zhargy' of the Union of Judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan ;
- 'Excellence of Law Enforcement Agency' (Ministry of Justice of the RK);
- Honorary Citizen of the Karatal district, Zhetysu region.
Certificates of Appreciation from:
- Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- The Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating
Corruption and Economic Criminality;
- 'Nur Otan' Party;
- Minister of Public Revenues of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Letters of Appreciation from: the First and Incumbent Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan, First Deputy Chairmen of the 'Nur Otan' Party (Nigmatullin N.Z., Baibek B.K., Kul-Mukhammed M.A.), international and national human rights organizations, and many more.